University of Kragujevac
During the first semester, students will have 4 courses (1 compulsory and 3 elective) and technical practice. Elective courses will provide opportunity to fulfil individual interests of students. An integral part of the curriculum is a 180-hour technical practice, which is performed in appropriate institutions, organisations, companies, clinics and public institutions. In the study programme structure, the following groups of courses are present in relation to the total number of ECTS credits:
- scientific and professional-applicative – 80%
- general education and theoretical-methodological – 20%

Course outcomes
Upon completion of the course entitled Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology, the students are expected to acquire knowledge about: General anatomical features of organ systems; General characteristics of the structural organization of cells, tissues, organs and organ systems; Fundamentals of physiology of organ systems; The way tissues are organized into organs and organ systems; Histological and physiological characteristics of tissues and organs; Basic rules of the relationship between the structure of tissues and organs and their function and dysfunction. Upon completion of the course entitled Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology, a student is expected to acquire the following skills: to identify basic types of cells and tissues; to recognize histological structure of human organs.
Course content
Theoretical classes: Fundamentals of anatomy and physiology of organ systems. Basic characteristics of epithelial, connective, muscle and nervous tissue. Morphofunctional characteristics of the circulatory, immune, digestive, respiratory, urinary, endocrine, nervous and reproductive system, sensory organs and skin.
Practical classes: Identifying basic characteristics of the circulatory, immune, digestive, respiratory, urinary, endocrine, nervous and reproductive system, sensory organs and skin.
Course outcomes
- Acquiring practical experience about methods of organization and functioning of environments in which student expects the application of the gained knowledge in his/her future professional career.
- Mastering ways of communication with colleagues and getting to know business information flow.
- Recognition of basic processes in the development and design of products and technologies, production, testing and maintenance, according to expectations of future professional competence.
- Making personal connections and acquaintances that may be used during the study period or in future employment process.
Course content
Theoretical classes: The course is realized through practical, independent work of the student.
Practical classes: Practical work implies stay and work in companies, institutes and organizations in which different activities connected to Bioengineering are performed. Selection of the subject area and the company or some other organization is conducted during consultations with the course lecturer. Student may conduct practical work in: production companies, design and consulting organizations, research organizations, organisations dealing with biomedical equipment maintenance, process engineering organisations, organisations performing research of biomedical equipment and some of the laboratories of the Faculty of Engineering. Practice may be also conducted abroad. During practical work, students must keep record of job descriptions, conclusions and observations. After practical work is conducted, students make a report in the form of the seminar paper on the given subject and defend it in front of the course lecturer.
Course outcomes
Acquiring basic knowledge about fracture and damage mechanics; Within the course, the basic principles of continuum mechanics in the stress analysis of structural components with initial cracks will be presented, using a finite element method. Structural analysis will be performed by implementing the finite element method.
Course content
Theoretical classes: The concept of material fatigue. Damage occurrence caused by fatigue. Dynamic strength of a material. Failure criteria defining the onset of damage initiation in a material; Defining the onset of material failure applying the failure criteria; Failure criteria for isotropic materials; Failure criteria for anisotropic materials. Hill, TsaiWu, EPFS and GEPFS failure criteria. The importance of studying material fatigue in engineering practice; Crack initiation – Phase I, II, III of crack growth; Fatigue-crack growth laws; High-cycle fatigue-crack growth; Goodman’s rule; Miner’s rule of damage; Numerical examples of simulation of fatigue due to cyclic load; Analysis of fatigue using stress and strain approach; Damage accumulation theory. Basic parameters of computational fracture mechanics; Stress analysis around the crack tip; Stress intensity factor; Types of crack load I, II, III type of crack load, definition of K factor by applying a mixed load type; Relationship between K and G; Contour J integral; Application of Ј-EDI method.
Practical classes: Estimation of the structure integrity: a) due to fatigue, b) at the appearance of initial crack; Numerical simulation of fatigue-crack growth. Experimental determination of basic parameters of fracture mechanics – Fracture toughness, Maximum value of SIF; material fatigue-Dynamic endurance, Permanent dynamic endurance.
Course outcomes
After they have mastered the programme and passed the exam within the course named Computational fluid mechanics, the candidates will be able to successfully follow the contents of the courses that relate to the area of calculation of physical fields, as well as to engage in research and scientific work in this new field. The knowledge that the candidates will acquire is related to the basic methods of numerical solving of fluid flow fields, coupled solving of the problem of solid-fluid interaction as well as parallel solving of large problems in fluid flow.
Course content
Theoretical classes: Introduction and basic concepts in CFD. Mixed formulation (speed-pressures). Penalty formulation and explicit formulation. Numerical solving of fluid mechanics by using finite differences. Taylor- Galerkin’s method for a non-stationary fluid flow. UPWIND technique in multi-dimensional space. TAYLOR-GALERKIN method. Coupled solving of solid-fluid interaction. Uncoupled solving of solid-fluid interaction. ALE formulation. Explicit – implicit algorithms (three-step). Turbulent models in CFD. Numerical problem solving of boundary layers. Numerical solving of compressive currents. Parallel processing in CFD.
Practical classes: Within the framework of the study research work, students will be trained to perform basic research in the subject area.
Course outcomes
After they have mastered the programme and passed the exam within the course entitled Biomedical Image Processing, the candidates will be able to engage in scientific research in this interdisciplinary field. The knowledge acquired will allow them to familiarize with the basic principles of biomedical image formation by applying ionizing and non-ionizing modalities, methods of transformation, principles of segmentation and registration, as well as by using software packages for this purpose. This will enable students to independently perform a real task in the field of application of the principles of creating and processing biomedical images.
Course content
Theoretical classes: Basic principles of biomedical image formation. Processing of biomedical images in clinical settings. Biomedical images presentation. Filtering and transformations. Segmentation. Rendering and surface models. Registration.
Practical classes: Practical problem solving in the area of formation and processing of biomedical images using software packages for this purpose and writing a seminar paper.
Course outcomes
Students will learn how to recognize and select an appropriate material according to a clinical application of a medical implant or device. To understand the relationship between the composition, structure and properties of biomaterials as well as the primary physical, chemical and biological processes that occur in contact of tissue and biomaterial during its application. To understand the role and importance of certain biomaterials in tissue regeneration.
Course content
Theoretical classes: Introduction. Fundamentals of material science. Properties of natural materials and artificial biomaterials. The relationship between biomaterials and tissues and required properties of biomaterials. Major groups of biomaterials: Metal biomaterials; Polymer biomaterials; Ceramic biomaterials; Composite biomaterials; Biomimetic materials; Smart materials; Nanomaterials in medicine; Materials for cultivation of contact surfaces of biomaterials. Areas of application of biomaterials: Hard tissue implants; Soft tissue implants; Pharmaceutical biomaterials. Disinfection and sterilization of biomaterials. Methods of production, construction and processing of biomaterials. Principles of Material Selection. Biomaterials: state and perspectives. Standards and legal regulations in the application of biomaterials. Ethical Aspects of Application in Clinical Practice.
Practical classes: Characterization and testing of biomaterials. Basic methods of testing biomaterials: in vitro, in vivo preclinical and in vivo clinical trials. Analysis of biomaterials and biomaterial requirements for certain medical applications. Practical training designed for students in order to be able to select individual biomaterials according to their function. Study research work and use of primary scientific sources and systematization of collected data, with the focus on practical clinical applications and development of biomaterials – practical case study.
Course outcomes
Acquiring basic skills and competencies for further specialization in the field of tissue engineering and regenerative medicine. Students will develop a research approach, analytical and communication skills necessary for their further professional development in the area of tissue engineering.
Course content
Theoretical classes: Introduction to tissue engineering through case studies. Processes in cells and tissues and their coupling with materials and nanotechnology. Metabolism and transport of nutrients. Interaction of cells and extracellular matrix. Techniques of making and designing a foundation for the growth of scaffold tissue. Additive production, laser, water jet, bioprinting, electrospinning. Materials, biocompatibility, development of new composite biomaterials. Devices, construction and application in tissue engineering. 3D printers. Incubators, design and biological microambient for tissue growth. Bioreactors. Modelling and simulation in the field of tissue engineering. Cell proliferation model in a scaffold. Analysis of an example of regenerative medicine from clinical practice and literature.
Practical classes: Scaffold development – tissue growth substrates. Development, design of hardware and software modules of incubators, bioreactors, bioprinters and other devices in the laboratory for tissue engineering. Simulations in the field of tissue engineering. Numerical models (FEM, finite differences). Simulation, optimization, parameter identification (Excel, Matlab). Development of an individual application project in the field of tissue engineering.
Course outcomes
Students are trained to independently design and form simple measuring chains for biomedical research, conduct measurements, collect, and process data. In this way, they will be able to conceptualize and perform laboratory and clinical biomedical research.
Course content
Principles of functioning and basic elements of measuring chains for biomedical application. Biopotential and possibilities of its measurement. Biosensors and electrodes. Elements of biomedical instrumentation (amplifiers, registers, indicators). Measuring action potential of the nerve cells – EEG. Measuring action potential of muscle cells – EMG. Measuring action potential of the heart muscle – ECG. Measuring electrodermal skin activity – EDA/GSR. Computer-assisted measurement, acquisition and data processing, software for measurement. Measuring force and pressure in biomedicine. Measuring blood pressure, heart rate and lung capacity. Ultrasonic measurements in biomedicine. Application of electromagnetic radiation for biomedicine measurements (X-ray and CT). Nuclear magnetic resonance in biomedical research.
Course outcomes
A student who passes this course acquires the ability to creatively harmonize the factors from idea to innovative solution within the development of medical devices. They acquire the ability to search, collect and integrate knowledge, as well as the skills of a holistic, critical and systematic approach to the problem of design and development of a medical device. The students will be trained, in team work or independently, to design medical devices, with integration of appropriate legal regulations (FDA regulations, ISO 13485 Directive etc.).
Course content
Theoretical classes: Design definition. Contemporary concepts and philosophies in the field of designing. Basic concepts and goals in medical device design. Standards and legal regulations for medical devices and their application in designing of medical devices. The role and significance of the design methodology and process in the development of medical devices. Elements of the design process, with specific applications for biomedical engineering: problem identification, product conceptualization, design analysis, optimization, biocompatibility, health impact and patient comfort, regulatory requirements and medical ethics. Product design tailored to production, assembly and use. Functional, technological and ergonomic component. Aesthetic elements and principles of design. Natural forms and biological principles (biomimetics) and their influence on the development of medical devices. Application of creative methods in the development of medical devices. Generating new variants of conceptual solutions. Methods and tools for analysing the characteristics of variant solutions.
Practical classes: Examples of the application of different types of regulations and standards in the field of medical device design. Independent student research, with the application of a critical approach, aimed at creating a medical device from the point of view of identified medical need, with the inclusion of other aspects (such as functional, ergonomic, production, economic, aesthetic and ecological). Testing and evaluating both the feasibility and the consistency of the solution, including the final design, according to the list of requirements, with the application of physical or virtual prototypes and the most appropriate validation methods. Consultations and discussions with students while working on improving the conceptual design of a medical device.
Course outcomes
After the module is completed, a student has the ability to: Identify basic parameters defining work position and work task; Set basic parameters necessary for solving ergonomic issues; Verify the suggested solution.
Course content
Theoretical classes: Introduction to ergonomics. Research methods. Designing and grading methods. Review and control. Defining work position. Work biomechanics. Cumulative damage and disorder. Stress and work load (physical and mental) of a driver. Safety and errors. Interaction person-surrounding. Comfort.
Practical classes: Methods of defining and estimating the impact of surrounding on work place comfort. Defining field of vision and controls positions applying the human model in CAD (Ramsis) surrounding.
University of Patras
During the second semester, students will have 7 courses – 3 compulsory and 4 elective. The elective courses offered by the University of Patras are good continuation of the courses offered by the University of Kragujevac.
Students are expected to choose 4 out of 10 available electives.

Course outcomes
This topic is an introduction to the Medical Device world. The global Medical Device market, its regulation and standardisation approach in the European Union is presented.
Course content
Theoretical classes: The three main categories of MDs i.e.: Active Implantable (AIMDs), In Vitro Diagnostics (IVDs) and Medical Devices (MDs) are described, and the nomenclature and codification are addressed. Examples of devices from the three categories are presented. Management and Health Technology Assessment (HTA) issues are also outlined.
Practical classes: The students should prepare and present a work in one specific Medical technology.
Course outcomes
This course aims to: (i) introduce students to the different techniques used for the acquisition, processing and storage of medical images for the purpose of diagnostic and treatment of patients; (ii) provide knowledge about different medical imaging modalities such as radiographic imaging, nuclear medicine, magnetic resonance and ultrasound, and (iii) bring students to understanding of the operation of the instrumentation utilized in various imaging modalities.
Course content
Theoretical classes: Introduction to medical imaging: medical imaging objectives; common medical imaging systems (X-ray, CT or CAT, PET, SPECT, ultrasound, MRI)
Medical imaging system (MIS), Image communication and archiving; Image quality: contrast; modulation, modulation transfer function; resolution; noise; signal to noise ratio (SNR); non-random effect, artifacts; distortion; accuracy. Basic 2-D signals and systems. Transforms. Electromagnetic spectrum: X-radiography; computed tomography; nuclear imaging (SPECT, PET). Introduction to radiography: ionization; forms of ionizing radiation; nature and properties; attenuation of electromagnetic radiation; radiation dosimetry. Projection radiography: instrumentation (X-ray tubes, filtration and restriction; X-ray image intensifier); noise; scattering. Computed tomography: instrumentation; image formation; Radon transform; image reconstruction from projections (back projection; filtered back projection; algebraic reconstruction techniques); image quality. Nuclear medicine: instrumentation (collimators, scintillation crystal, photomultiplier tubes, image capture); image formation; image quality; planar scintigraphy; single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT); positron emission tomography (PET) Physics of ultrasound: wave equation; wave propagation; Doppler effect; beam pattern formation and focusing. Ultrasound imaging system: ultrasound instrumentation (transducer, probes); ultrasound imaging modes; steering and focusing; three-dimensional ultrasound imaging. Physics of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI): nuclear magnetism; spin; Larmor frequency; RF excitations; resonance condition; free precession and relaxation. Magnetic resonance imaging system: instrumentation (main magnet, gradient system, RF system); image reconstruction; image quality. Image formation, methods of analysis, and representation of digital images. Measures of qualitative performance in the context of clinical imaging. Algorithms fundamental to the construction of medical images via methods of computed tomography, magnetic resonance, and ultrasound. Algorithms and methods for the enhancement and quantification of specific features of clinical importance in each of these modalities.
Practical classes: Identify, manipulate and process medical images. Identify the basic image processing and analysis techniques that need to be applied to a specific problem. Devise a sequence of processing and analysis steps to achieve a certain goal.
Course outcomes
This course aims to introduce students to research methodology with particular accent on its usage in the clinical environment, from problem formulation, study design and experimental setup to preparation of results for presentation.
Course content
Theoretical classes: Research Methodology, as applied in Science and Engineering, is outlined. The different kind and phases are presented. The main point of an effective communication of the results in written, oral and poster form are discussed. Intellectual Property issues are outlined. A short introduction on Quality Systems is presented and issues specific to MDs are emphasized. The students are requested to apply the above in presenting their Medical Instrumentation work assignment.
Course outcomes
The purpose of the course is to familiarize students with issues related to the development, modeling and simulation of human neuromusculoskeletal dynamic systems for the analysis of different motor activities. Within these lectures the student will understand what is a dynamic system, how to model, how the simulation is conducted and how these techniques can be used to solve biomedical related problems in the study of human movement.
Course content
Theoretical classes: There will be an introduction to basic concepts of physics, dynamical systems, state space representation, control, numerical integration and transformations. Basic robotics concepts will be used to model and derive the equation of motion of the skeletal system, which will be the basis for understanding and modeling the motion of the human neuromusculoskeletal system. Finally, different simulation algorithms will be studied (forward and inverse), that are constantly used and applied by the biomechanical community. As part of the lectures there will be an extensive discussion on classical work in the area and the student will be entrusted with the study of selected publications.
Practical classes: The laboratories are consistent with the understanding of the material, while solving practical applications. Intermediate assignments will be presented at the end of the theoretical classes to help in understanding the material.
Course outcomes
To provide the student with basic knowledge, concepts and problems of fluid and solid mechanics necessary for the analysis of blood flow in the macro and microcirculation, and to other physiological flows.
Course content
Theoretical classes: Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics. Intrinsic Fluid Properties, Hydrostatics. Macroscopic Balances of Mass and Momentum, Microscopic Balances of Mass and Momentum, Bernoulli Equation. Dimensional Analysis. Fluid Mechanics in a Straight Tube, Boundary Layer Separation. Introduction to Mechanics of Materials. Linear elastic solid and linear viscous fluid. Viscoelasticity, elastic moduli, viscosity. Analysis of Thin-Walled Cylindrical Tubes. Analysis of Thick-Walled Cylindrical Tubes. Heart. Cardiac Valves, Systemic Circulation, Coronary Circulation. Pulmonary Circulation and Gas Exchange in the Lungs. Cerebral and Renal Circulations. Microcirculation. Regulation of the Circulation. Atherosclerosis. Rheology of Blood and Vascular Mechanics. Rheology of Blood. Linear flux of blood, Casson equation, Rauleaux formation condition. Static and Steady Flow Models. Hydrostatics in the Circulation, Applications of the Bernoulli Equation Rigid Tube Flow Models. Estimation of Entrance Length and Its Effect on Flow Development in Arteries. Flow in Collapsible Vessels. Unsteady Flow and Nonuniform Geometric Models. Windkessel Models for the Human Circulation. Continuum Models for Pulsatile Flow Dynamics, Hemodynamic Theories of Atherogenesis. Wall Shear Stress and Its Effect on Endothelial Cells. Flow through Curved Arteries and Bifurcations, Flow through Arterial Stenoses and Aneurysms. Native Heart Valves. Aortic and Pulmonary Valves, Mitral and Tricuspid Valves. Prosthetic Heart Valve Dynamics. Brief History of Heart Valve Prostheses, Hemodynamic Assessment of Prosthetic Heart Valves. In Vitro Studies of Coagulation Potential and Blood Damage. Durability of Prosthetic Heart Valves, Current Trends in Valve Design. Vascular Therapeutic Techniques
Practical classes: Seminars, laboratory exercises, visits to hospitals & research institutes.
Course outcomes
The topic of the course is to introduce students to the basic notions of Bioinformatics.
Course content
Theoretical classes: Course introduction to its main notions (Computer Science and Molecular Biology); Exact string matching algorithms (Boyer – Moore, Knooth-Morris-Pratt, Aho-Corasick Automaton); Suffix Trees and applications in Bioinformatics; Inexact matching an sequence alignment; Multiple sequence alignments; Bioinformatics Databases and Data Mining
Practical classes: Two projects, one a set of exercises on string algorithmics, the second a set of research assignments where each student beginning with an initial set of papers will investigate a research topic.
Course outcomes
To introduce biomedical engineers to the branch of clinical engineering and the role that health technology assessment can play in decisions about health policy and medical practice. The objective is students to learn what clinical engineering is dealing with, tools and methods applied for effective management of medical equipment’s and be aware of related activities world-wide such as vigilance and patient safety, quality assurance and accreditation.
Course content
Theoretical classes: Introduction to biomedical technology, Clinical Engineering Tasks, Management of Biomedical Equipment, Software systems for Medical Equipment Management, Regulations and Standards, Quality Assurance, Vigilance Systems, Patient Safety
Course outcomes
This design course aims to familiarize students with the methodology to find solution of clinical problems by use of artificial organs and implantable medical devices.
Course content
Theoretical classes: Systematic use of cell-matrix control volumes; The role of stress analysis in the design process; Considerations and constraints of anatomic fit, shape and size of artificial organs and implants; Properties and selection of biomaterials; Instrumentation and planning for surgical implantation procedures; Preclinical testing for safety and efficacy, including risk/benefit ratio assessment evaluation of clinical performance and design of clinical trials.
Practical classes: Team projects focused on design of orthopedic devices, soft tissue implants, and artificial organs.
Course outcomes
An Introduction to Rehabilitation Engineering will provide the student with basic knowledge on the principles, modeling, standards, devices, and technologies of RE and Assisting Devices.
Course content
Theoretical classes: Fundamentals of rehabilitation engineering design: Design considerations. Prosthetics and orthotics: Upper- and lower extremity prostheses; Ambulations aids; Aids to daily living. Postural support and seating: Seating and postural support systems. Personal transportation: Lift mechanisms; Wheelchairs. Assistive Devices for Persons with: Visual Impairments, Auditory Impairments, Tactile Impairments. Alternative and Augmentative Communication Devices
Practical classes: Seminars, visits to hospitals and research institutes.
Course outcomes.
This course provides an introduction to basic concepts, methodologies and algorithms of digital image processing focusing on image enhancement and restoration for easier interpretation of images, and image analysis and object recognition.
Course content
Theoretical classes: Introductory concepts for Image Processing & Analysis and their applications. Basic elements of 2-D signal processing and image transforms. Image acquisition systems and different types of degradation. Image enhancement methods. Image restoration methods. Techniques for lossless and lossy image compression. Elements of color theory and color image processing basics. Reconstruction of 3D objects based on 2D projections. Edge detection and linking. Image segmentation. Shape description and representation. Object recognition. Basic structure of an image analysis system. Basic principles of machine learning for image processing & analysis. Elements of deep neural networks (DNN) theory and architectures. Emphasis on DNN architectures suitable for image processing & analysis.
Practical classes: Design and implement algorithms that perform basic image processing (e.g., noise removal, image enhancement); Design and implement algorithms for advanced image analysis (e.g., image compression, image segmentation & image representation).
Course outcomes
The objective of this course is to provide students with an overview of the clinical methods in medical image processing, focusing on physical attributes, radiology and medical image generation prerequisities.
Course content
Theoretical classes: 1. Tissues and radiology, physics, electron matter interaction, absorption. 2. X-rays, CTs, Ultrasound, MRI. 3. Basic image processing, filtering, denoising, 4. Segmentation (tissue classification): thresholding, region growing and watershed.
Practical classes: Design and implement algorithms for medical image processing.
Course outcomes
By the end of this course, students should be able to: Demonstrate good understanding of fundamental principles of light interaction with biological systems; Use the optical properties of tissue and calculate penetration depth of light; Understand the concept of diffraction limit and its impact to biophotonics applications; Following general approaches in biophotonics and develop complete solutions (instruments, protocols, and procedures) for specific biomedical problems e.g. imaging and diagnostics; Understand the principles of optical biosensors; Understand laser safety and able to perform safety calculations for specific lasers and their applications; Understand basic operating principles of NIRS techniques through hands-on experiential learning; Understand basic operating principles of Optogenetics.
Course content
Theoretical classes: 1. Laser and LED principles, designs and parameters. 2. Basics of tissue optics. 3. Laser-tissue interactions. 4 .Medical laser systems. 5. Clinical aspects of laser applications. 6. Biomaterials for Photonics. 7. Bioimaging: Principles, Techniques and Applications. 8. Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS). 9. Optical Biosensors. 10. Optics for the brain: Optogenetics.
Practical classes: 1. Familiarization with lasers and LEDs. 2. Measurement of tissue oxygenation using NIRS. 3. Development of an optical biosensor
Course outcomes
Invited lectures from academic and industrial distinguished lecturers providing students with insights on the applied side of Biomedical Engineering.
Course content
Theoretical classes: 1. Electronic health records, 2. Standardization and interoperability, 3. Design of medical devices, standards and regulatory frameworks, 4. Advanced emerging imaging technologies, 5. Best practices in research and entrepreneurship.
Practical classes: Internship project on the design of medical equipment and systems in cutting edge topics
University of Medicine and Pharmacy Grigore T. Popa
In the second year, during the first semester, students will have 7 courses – 3 compulsory and 4 elective. The courses offered by the University of Medicine and Pharmacy Grigore T. Popa provide the specialization that is good continuation of the courses offered by the University of Kragujevac and University of Patras.
Students are expected to choose one of 3 available Tracks:
TRACK A – Advanced Biosignal & Medical Image Processing; Assistive Devices and Technologies; Radiation Therapy and Dosimetry; Telemedicine & e-Health
TRACK B – Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine; Functional Biomechanics, Prosthesis and Implants; Biomaterials Biocompatibility; Implant Design and Technology
TRACK C – Bioprocess Design; Laboratory Clinical Analysis; Quality insurance by Good Manufacturing Practice/Good Laboratory Practice; Cosmetics and Pharmaceuticals Biotechnologies
Course outcomes
This course aims to: (i) Evaluate performances and characteristics of medical devices used in clinical applications based on standard criteria; (ii) Evaluation and selection of methods to determine specific medical techniques.
Course content
Theoretical classes: Importance of medical devices for diagnosis and therapy in medical practice. Applying concepts, theories and methods of fundamental investigation of medical devices. Clinical applications of medical devices in surgery. Laparoscopic equipment: definition, principle of the method, indications, complications, contraindications. Fundamentals of using energy in surgery. Using diathermy; Monopolar electrosurgery. Bipolar electrosurgical devices. Using of termoablative equipment in surgery, argon lasers. Ultrasounds scan in open and minim invasive surgical procedures. Cavitron Ultrasonic Surgical Aspirator. Robotically-Assisted Surgical (RAS) devices. Applications of MEMS in surgery. Clinical techniques and conventional monitoring in surgery. Devices for airway management. Medical ventilator. Anaesthesia equipment. Monitoring devices for measuring the Depth of Anaesthesia. Instrumentation (assistive devices) to recover electrical and mechanical function of the heart. Ventricular assist devices. Heart-lung machine, oxygen controlled delivery systems. The hybrid operating room. Abdominal ultrasound, general indications, examination technique. Techniques of monitoring the patients in intensive care unit.
Practical classes: Medical devices for monitoring vital signs in operating room (patient monitor, pulse oximetry, BIS), and intensive care units. Medical instrumentation in surgery (cutting instruments and dissecting, grasping or holding instruments, haemostatic instruments, retractors tissue unifying instruments and material. Presentation of laparoscopic equipment. Terms of manufacturing, storage and use for laparoscopic devices. Applications of devices in diagnostic laparoscopy. Equipment for anaesthesia and ventilation. Testing of ventilation system: verify the volumetric flow rate(s), check the performance of the system, set baseline for periodic maintenance checks. Preoperative management issues. Operating room management. Artificial cardiac pacemaker. Extracorporeal circulation system. Patient recovery after surgery in recovery room/intensive care unit.
Course outcomes
This course aims to:(i) Acquire methods, means and models of theoretical and experimental study and research, from various tissues and cells and ending with the human body; (ii) Assessment and validation of techniques and methods of diagnosis and prognosis and therapeutic monitoring, and development of biomedical devices and therapeutic strategies; (iii) Definition, measurement and interpretation of functional parameters at molecular, tissue, systemic and whole body.
Course content
Theoretical classes: Translational Medicine, a new paradigm: definition, content, concepts, principles, objectives, methodology, significance, prospects, and development directions. Translational Medicine, a new paradigm: Research infrastructure and multidisciplinary partnerships: research units and integrated management of studies. Cell and tissue engineering: stem cells, therapeutic cell delivery, peripheral nerve repair, blood vessels and cartilage. Genetic and protein engineering: antibodies, reporter systems, protein scaffolds, aptamers. Nanoengineering: nanoscale delivery systems, biosensors, magnetic nanoparticles, imaging agents. Biomedical Instrumentation: Imaging systems and molecular agents, miniature imaging instruments, Mathematical modelling and simulation of human biology: system-based models, cell based models.
Practical classes: Accelerating healthcare innovation: best practice models and case study. Cell and tissue culture techniques. In vitro evaluation of organ function. Methods in molecular biology: nucleic acid amplification and detection. Methods in molecular biology: protein analysis. Phase II and III studies and best practices in clinical research. Integrative approaches for the investigation of the cardiovascular system function. Mathematical models of human physiology: HumMod.
Course outcomes
This course aims to:(i) Development of processing tools and/or algorithms to enhance useful information and knowledge from clinical data; (ii) Exploring and processing real data from normal or pathological conditions in order to monitor the patient and for physiological investigation; (iii) Development of algorithms in MATLAB programming language to develop and use methods of EEG and ECG signal processing, as well as for medical image processing.
Course content
Theoretical classes: Filtering for removal of artefacts (time-domain filters, frequency-domain filters, optimal filtering, and adaptive filters). Spectral analysis – modern techniques (parametric model-based methods, non-parametric Eigen analysis frequency estimation). Multivariate analysis (principal component analysis, independent component analysis). Time-frequency analysis (short time Fourier transform, Wavelet transform. Brain computer interface (P300 based BCI, steady sate visual evoked potential (SVEP based BCI), motor imagery BCI paradigm).Medical imaging modalities. Image enhancement (Gray scale modification and contrast enhancement, filtering in spatial domain, contour enhancement, geometric processing). Image segmentation and shape analysis( edge detection and following, edge thinning and skeletonization, image binarization, segmentation by means of region growing, segmentation through unsupervised clustering, segmentation by using deformable models, geometric and topological attributes of segmented image). Image classification and pattern recognition (features extraction, decision-theoretic classification, statistical classifiers, supervised and unsupervised classification, classification and pattern recognition using artificial intelligence). Prominent applications of medical image processing and analysis.
Practical classes: Filtering for removal of artefacts-Illustration of the problem with case-studies for EEG or ECG, MATLAB implementation. Spectral Analysis – modern Techniques3-illustration of the problem with case-studies for EEG or ECG, MATLAB Implementation. Multivariate Analysis-Illustration of the problem with case-studies for EEG or ECG, MATLAB Implementation. Time-frequency analysis – illustration of the problem with case-studies for EEG or ECG, MATLAB Implementation. Brain computer interface-Illustration of the problem with case-studies for EEG or ECG, MATLAB Implementation. MATLAB Image Processing Toolbox – Image Formats, Conversions, Storage and Retrieval. Image enhancement techniques -Point Operations and Histogram Processing, MATLAB Implementation. Image filtering in spatial domain – Linear and Nonlinear Filters. Image Segmentation – Thresholding, region-growing and clustering methods. Image classification – Supervised and unsupervised classification. Image reconstruction – Radon and Inverse Radon Transform. Multivariate image analysis – Principal Component Analysis and Independent Component Analysis, MATLAB Implementation.
Course outcomes
This course aims to: (i) Develop of assistive devices and technologies; (ii) Identify and describe the function of the range of assistive technology devices and services in the home, school, and community environments, including augmentative and alternative communication; seating, positioning, and mobility; computer access; and technology for people with vision loss, hearing loss and learning disabilities. (iii) Selection of appropriate technology for people with disabilities.
Course content
Theoretical classes: Disability and assistive technology; Assistive hardware – alternative input devices and augmentative technology; Assistive devices and technologies for physically disabled; Assistive devices and technologies for hard of hearing and deafness; Assistive devices and technologies for low vision and blindness; Assistive devices and technologies for academically disabled.
Practical classes: Assistive device for physically disabled-1: wheelchair control systems. Assistive device for physically disabled-2: FES for upper limb. Assistive device for physically disabled-3: FES for lower limb. Assistive device for physically disabled-4: Posture and Position. Assistive device for hearing impaired. Assistive device for visually impaired. Assistive device for academically disabled. Project: Assistive device for physically disabled.
Course outcomes
This course aims to: (i) Quantify the practical problems associated with machine and accessory equipment limitations; (ii) Relate the dose prescribed to the protocol for that site; (iii) Describe (or identify) the organs at risk and the dose values acceptable for these organs.
Course content
Theoretical classes: Basic radiation properties. Radiotherapy machines. Treatment planning. Conformal radiotherapy. Intensity-modulated radiation therapy. Virtual simulation of the irradiation technique. Portal imagery. Brachytherapy. Quality assurance and radioprotection
Practical classes: Basic radiation properties. Radiation biology. Radiation delivery. Radiotherapy machines (Cobalt machines, linear accelerators, therapy with proton beams). Visiting the radiotherapy laboratory. Principles and methods, anatomic data acquisition, beams definition, dose calculation and optimization, verification and treatment realization, volumes and dose determination in conformal radiotherapy and intensity-modulated radiation. Medical imagery systems (CT Sim& Immobilization) for anatomic data acquisition, the transfer of acquisitioned images, informatics used in treatment planning. Visiting the CT Sim laboratory. Comparison of different systems of portal imagery. Systems of implant dosimetry. Visiting the brachytherapy laboratory. Quality control methods in radiotherapy. Principles of radioprotection.
Course outcomes
This course aims to: (i) Develop at individual level of capacity of elaboration, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of telemedicine projects; (ii) Acquire and apply methods, techniques and tools used in the management of telemonitoring and e-health projects, including the specific legislation.
Course content
Theoretical classes: Telemedicine and e-health – definitions, issues, current state of systems for telemedicine and e-health. Medical and technical requirements of a telemedicine and telemonitoring system. Establishment of a set of vital biosignals and their characteristics to be monitored. The design specifications for the organization of a regional and local telemedicine centre. Hardware and software specifications for medical devices for telemonitoring. Solutions to ensure users accessibility to the network and development of telemedicine service management. Security and confidentiality of medical and personal data in the system. Issues of legality. Requirements for application of “medical telemonitoring as a public service”. Assessing the effectiveness of the service in terms of medical practice and professional inclusion. Examples of telemedicine applications: TELEMON system for vital biosignals telemonitoring, teleradiology, telepathology, teledermatology, telesurgery.
Practical classes: Electrical safety of medical electronics equipment. Labor protection. The transmission of medical data via Internet and mobile phone. Electronic patient record. Microsystems for acquisition, recording and radio transmission of biosignals. MSP430 microcontroller family. CC2500 family circuits. SimpliciTI radio communication protocol. Sensors network for telemonitoring of vital signs. Acquisition and multichannel ECG signal telemonitoring device. Telemonitoring device for blood pressure. Device and application software for blood oxygen saturation and heart rate (pulse oximetry) telemonitoring.
Course outcomes
This course aims to: (i) Apply concepts, theories and methods of fundamental research in chemistry, biology, biomaterials science to obtain scaffolds or bioartificial systems for regenerative medicine; (ii) Summarize and interpret information, evaluates complex systems with applications in tissue engineering.
Course content
Theoretical classes: Cell and molecular biology concepts. The structure and molecular organisation of the animal cells. Cell division through mitosis and meiosis. Cell differentiation and the factors implied in this phenomenon. Apoptosis, necrosis and malignant transformation of the cells. The basic embryology concepts. From zygote to adult organism. The cellular mechanisms involved in the embryo formation. Stem cell biology. The classification of the stem cells. Cell markers and their role in cell identification, diagnosis and biomedical researches. The concepts on tissue structure and molecular mechanisms of tissue growth and regeneration. The structure and role of the extracellular matrix (ECM). Growth factors and their importance in tissue growth and regeneration. The interaction Cells-ECM-Growth factors on tissue regeneration examples. Tissue engineering concepts. 3D in vitro cell cultures. Bioartificial tissues. Cell and gene therapy. Biomaterials for tissue engineering. Scaffolds for tissue engineering. Design principles and performance in tissue regeneration. Examples of organs and tissues. Scaffold role in tissue regeneration. Characteristics of scaffolds for tissue engineering. Complex structures for prostheses and implants.
Practical classes: Cell structure and tissue compounds. Cell culture method. Standard techniques. Cell culture media and cell culturing microenvironment. In vitro cytotoxicity testing assays. Morphology and cell viability assessment. Cell seeding protocols on 2D and 3D scaffolds for the obtaining of histotypic and organotypic cultures. Cell isolation techniques. Cell and tissue cryopreservation techniques. Cryoprotectants. Natural and synthetic biomaterials for tissue engineering. Characteristics and performance. Scaffolds based on hydroxyapatite and natural polymers. Evaluation the scaffold biodegradation. Biocompatible hydrogels for skin tissue engineering. Micro and nano-fibres obtained by fibrilogenesis with applications in tissue engineering.
Course outcomes
This course aims to: (i) Describe of muscular and articular techniques, functional assessment scores and appreciation of the quality of life of patients with disabilities; (ii) Apply muscular and articular techniques, assessing quality of life in various pathologies; (iii) Identify the principles of production and application of orthoses, prostheses and other medical devices.
Course content
Theoretical classes: Tissue biomechanics – bone, muscle, cartilage, tendons and ligaments. Biomechanics of the foot and ankle. Knee biomechanics. Functional biomechanics of the leg. Hip biomechanics. Functional biomechanics of the thigh. Gait analysis. Functional biomechanics of the spine. Functional biomechanics of the shoulder. Elbow biomechanics. Functional biomechanics of the arm. Wrist biomechanics. Functional biomechanics of the forearm. Hand biomechanics.
Practical classes: Types of implants. Effects of the implants on tissue. Types of foot and ankle prosthesis, orthosis and implants. Biomechanics effects. Types of knee prosthesis, orthosis and implants. Biomechanics effects. Biomechanics effects of leg prosthesis. Types of hip prosthesis, orthosis and implants. Biomechanics effects. Biomechanics effects of thigh prosthesis. The effect of upper and lower limb prosthesis on gait analysis. Types of spine prosthesis, orthosis and implants. Biomechanics effects. Types of shoulder prosthesis, orthosis and implants. Biomechanics effects. Types of elbow prosthesis, orthosis and implants. Biomechanics effects. Biomechanics effects of the arm prosthesis. Types of wrist prosthesis, orthosis and implants. Biomechanics effects. Biomechanics effects of the forearm prosthesis. Types of hand prosthesis, orthosis and implants. Biomechanics effects.
Course outcomes
This course aims to: (i) Describe and use of the equipment required for an exploratory study (in vitro). Description of a research protocol for assessing biocompatibility of biomaterials. (ii) Monitoring phases of an experimental protocol, improving or modifying experimental protocol in the light of the objectives of the study. (iii) Use appropriate methods of analysis of the data obtained in experimental research and the interpretation of results.
Course content
Theoretical classes: Immune system – general notions. “Self” and “non-self” in biocompatibility. Implications in assessing biocompatibility. Cytotoxicity and genotoxicity. Methods for study of cytotoxicity. Genotoxicity study methods. Effects of implants. Model test on rabbits. Alternative techniques. Irritation and sensitization. Methods for testing irritation response. Methods for testing sensitization response. Study of systemic effects. Acute toxicity induced by biomaterials. Tests that use fluid extracts. Subchronic and chronic toxicity induced by biomaterials. The design of the sub-chronic toxicity and chronic tests. Collection, processing and interpretation of data. Sample preparation and reference materials
Practical classes: The immune system. “Self” and “non-self” in the genesis of biocompatibility. Cytotoxicity and genotoxicity. Effects of implants. Irritation and sensitization. Acute toxicity induced by biomaterials. Sub-chronic and chronic toxicity induced by biomaterials. Sample preparation and reference materials.
Course outcomes
This course aims to: (i) Identify the principles of manufacturing and application of implants and other medical devices. Describe and evaluate the orthopaedic or spinal implant based on design rationales. (ii) Explain the opportunity of choosing the type of implants/medical devices, as well as to identify and apply the appropriate engineering disciplines/techniques for managing of the clinical needs.
Course content
Theoretical classes: Overview and introduction to biomaterials for medical devices: materials selection, functional requirements, and regulatory guidelines. Factors affecting clinical performance of the implants and failure mechanisms of implants. Principles and parameters for designing of medical devices/implants: body-implant interaction, permanent replacement versus regeneration. Implants for soft and hard tissues. Novel manufacturing approaches for designing/producing structural implants in biomedical engineering. Design Case Study: Novel porous Ti-apatite composite scaffold for bone restoration.
Practical classes: Preparation and characterization of calcium phosphate biomaterials for bone tissue restoration. Modification of physical-chemical properties of titanium surface in order to increase bone apposition. Optimization of bone cements for minimally invasive surgical techniques.
Course outcomes
This course aims to: (i) Correlate constructive and functional characteristics of plants and their performance in biotechnological processes. (ii) Monitor the stages of a technological process. (iii) Evaluate and optimize of installations for obtaining compounds with pharmaceutical properties, food or cosmetics, assessing whether the storage and packaging standards correspond, considering the inactivation under the influence of various factors.
Course content
Theoretical classes: Design of special construction bioreactors. Bioreactors with membranes for tissue culture. Bioreactors for solid media. Photobioreactor for microbial and plant cells cultivation.
Design of Pneumatic mixing bioreactors. Constructive and functional description. Pneumatic column type bioreactors. Pneumatic “air-lift” type bioreactors. Air barbotage systems. Separation by reactive extraction. Classification of reactive extraction systems. Kinetics and mechanism of reactive extraction. Detailed presentation of extraction agents. Reactive extraction of biosynthetic compounds. Separation by reactive extraction. Detailed presentation of extraction agents. Reactive extraction of biosynthetic compounds. Free and facilitated pertraction. Types of liquid membranes, mechanism, carrier agents. Applications of pertraction on bioactive compounds separation. Direct separation. Integrated enzymatic processes. Direct separation of biosynthetic compounds. Design trends for tissue engineering bioreactors.
Practical classes: Ergosterol biosynthesis from Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermentation. Study on mass transfer of substrate in solid-liquid system. Separation by liquid-liquid extraction of anthocyanin from Brassica oleracea. Study of reactive extraction of propionic acid from aqueous solutions. Influence of solvent type on extraction yield. Influence of aqueous solution pH on extraction yield. Selective separation of carboxylic acids obtained by Actinobacillus succinogenes fermentation using reactive extraction. Influence of solvent type on extraction yield. Influence of aqueous solution pH on extraction yield. Selective separation of vitamin C by reactive extraction. Influence of solvent type on extraction yield. Influence of aqueous solution pH on extraction yield. Separation of amino acids by facilitated pertraction. Influence of aqueous solution pH, mixing intensity and carrier concentration on permeability and selectivity factors.
Course outcomes
This course aims to: (i) Broaden the knowledge regarding the biological parameters in general and their mechanisms of action. (ii) Explain the used processes underlying of the clinical laboratory methods, using proper terminology and a consistent expression; (iii) Solve practical problems.
Course content
Theoretical classes: Introduction to the Clinical Chemistry: definition analytes, biological specimens, analysis steps, obtaining samples, storage samples and their preparation for analysis. The optical methods (UV-VIS spectrophotometry, atomic absorption layers dried technology, turbidimetry, refractometry, polarimetry, optical fiber sensors) applied to the analysis of biological samples. Strategies for selecting the clinical tests. Sources of errors in clinical laboratory. Determination of the organic compounds: glucose. Determination of the organic compounds: lipids, non-protein nitrogenous compounds, enzymes, hormones, tumoral markers.
Practical classes: The safety in the laboratory. Calculations in the clinical laboratory. Methods of determining blood glucose – role in the diagnosis and monitoring of the diabetes. The dosage of the cholesterol – a cardiovascular risk factor. The dosage of Fe – role in assessing anaemia. Dosage urea / creatinine in the blood and urine – appreciation of the kidney functioning. Urine. Urinalysis. Urine Strips. Chemical and biochemical interpretations on the test results.
Course outcomes
This course aims to: (i) Verify and use of equipment and working methods for the activities in quality control and assurance control according to the European and international requirements. (ii) Development and implementation of programs, capacity of synthesis and interpretation of data, capacity for the support and development of the chosen solutions.
Course content
Theoretical classes: Terminology used in GMP, qualification and validation. Guidelines and European and international laws on quality assurance and control. Documentation. Validation Master Plan (VMP). Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). Facilities and equipment. Production, manufacturing control and quality control. Method validation. Distribution, transport, complaint handling, self-inspection, sanitation, waste management, records. Special cases.
Practical classes: Documentation. Types of procedures. Glassware validation. Equipment qualification (example for a spectrophotometer). Method validation (specificity, linearity, limit of detection, limit of quantification). Method validation (system precision, method precision, intermediate precision, accuracy). Preparing a validation method protocol, method validation, method validation report.
Course outcomes
This course aims to: (i) Design and development of cosmetics and dermo pharmaceuticals. (ii) Formulation, testing and result interpretation of cosmetics and dermo pharmaceuticals. Quality checks standards of medicines and cosmetics; (iii) Experience concepts and techniques of pharmaceutical biotechnology. Identification of the main classes of biologically active metabolites.
Course content
Theoretical classes: Dermatological biotechnology. Main classes of cosmetics. Cosmetics obtained through vegetal biotechnologies for cosmetic and personal care purpose. Testing cosmetic products. Cutaneous vivo-analysis of the skin and in-vitro skin surface research through logical analysis of images and profilometry. General, organic and genetic dermal toxicity aspects. Ageing processes of the skin. Obtaining antiaging products through biotechnology. Dermato-cosmetics legislation. Benefits of using cosmetic care products through biotechnologies. Pharmaceutical biotechnology. Drug discovery and clinical applications. Introduction to concepts and technologies in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology. Biotechnological approaches for the production of some promising plant-based chemotherapeutics. Terpenoids and steroids. Aromatic amino acids and phenylpropanoids. Alkaloids. Drug molecules of marine organisms. Commonly used analytical techniques for biotechnology products. Process validation for biopharmaceuticals.
Practical classes: Modelling cosmetic bioprocesses. Choosing experimental patterns in cosmetic biotechnology. Cosmetic care products for various skin types and skin diseases. Finding side effects after using care products for: hair dying, hair curlers, nail polish and lipsticks. Cosmetic rheology (antiperspirants, hair care products, creams and body lotions, nail care and dental care products).
Determination of fat content in different materials. Analysis of fatty oils. Essential Oils. Extraction of Essential Oils and Steam distillation. Characterization of the obtained oils. Saponins. Extraction and purification. Characterization of the obtained compounds. Flavonoids. Extraction and purification. Characterization of the obtained compounds. Vitamins. Identification. Determination of vitamin C in various products.